Apr 18, 2010

Announcer of spring

Have you seen it? This is the official Announcer of spring.

I hope the crab is right!

Apr 8, 2010

Did you know: Writing in /me-style

I thought it would be helpful to start a "Did you know" series where I'm writing about small tricks and hints for improving your Neocron experience. Here's the first one (more a funny one):

You can write in the "/me"-style known from IRC by typing:
* words *

So if you type in this in the chat window:
* is sitting on a chair. *

Other runners in the chat will see it like this:
Playername is sitting on a chair.

Have fun with it!

Apr 6, 2010

Today at the MediCare #327684

I thought it would be funny to create a small photo story of my evening. Just the pictures of the day.

I started here...

...ended up here...

...and saw this after a very long time:

It wasn't me! I think it was the Copbot.

Apr 2, 2010

The disobedient Doomreaper

What's this?

And where is this?

Mar 28, 2010

Big worldmap with PvP zones online

Today I've finished a brand new worldmap (1674 x 1050) which includes some PvP spots. I defined these spots as areas, where you can find player hunters (or hostile faction runners) without much doubt. Check it out.

I'll be updating this map as the spots change. Keep your eyes open, runners!

Mar 26, 2010

Quick panorama - MediCare 26-03-10

Here is the first panorama view of the upcoming quick panorama series.

Mar 24, 2010

Black, blacker, WoC

I'm not one of the lucky soldiers who have earned enough experience to wear the almighty Wisdom Of Ceres Power Armor. It seems that there are more runners than I thought who are wearing this trendy nice thing.

My respect.

Mar 22, 2010

Tip - Beware Genotoxic Crawlers

Today, I planned to visit the Genotoxic Nightmare. I have never been to Regants Legacy but I heard a lot of it. Everything went fine until I came across theses guys.

Probably, most of you runners may know about the Genotoxic Crawlers (112/112 ***) but if you meet them at the very first time, you get saluted with a soft touch. You shouldn't touch these freaks at all or you will die very quickly. Just a tip to myself.

Mar 18, 2010

Blue Power Armors

A short photo of a new school and an old school Power Armor in blue.

Can you believe that the left one is a spy?

Mar 12, 2010

A look into a strange GoGuardian

Sometimes, the connection to the Neocron matrix gets interrupted – I think it has to do with minor software issues of the HackNet. Connections sometimes get lost and there may occur abnormal behaviours. This happened to me last night when I tried to enter Plaza Sector 1. After a black flash, my brain implants got hurt and I found myself back at the MediCare. When I logged into my GoGuardian, I found strange items.

7 WoC discs and several slotted Cursed Souls made my eyes glow. But suddenly the black flash occured again and the contents of my GoGuardian went back to normal. Was it a hallucination?